SKU: 1106-12
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Swimline Winterizing Cover Blox 12 Pack

$369.99 $249.98
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  • Alternative to water tubes
  • Won't pop or split
  • Stack for Easy Storage
Swimline Cover Blox are the best alternative to water tubes. Unlike water tubes, Cover Blox will never split or break because of water expanding into ice. This product is over four times thicker than water tubes and doesn't have seams, so you will never have to replace a Cover Blox. Easier to store than water tubes, because you can stack Cover Blox.


Swimline is the house brand of the Swimline Corporation, a family owned and operated business. Founded in 1971 Swimline has grown to be the largest manufacturer of above-ground swimming pool liners in the world. In addition, Swimline Corp. is the largest

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